December 2, 2020


If you can get a person to believe in you, if you can win their heart, it is very hard for them to escape the ties that bond them to that relationship no matter what they do.

Why is that?

I think that the authority of a parent is recognized because of love, but also because of fear. Nature, for some reason, recognizes the value of a child obeying adult rules, whether he of xhd understands them or not. Yes, actions of love or actions that provoke fear have a powerful effect on a child’s behavior. But still, looking at human behavior in general, I wonder if this obedience perhaps is aided by some instinctive tendency to block out kind of discriminatory judgment to weigh the value of a more rational response to what could be abusive or detrimental behavior.

A child needs to be protected from walking into the street- because he may not look both weighs. He may be killed! So a parent takes a more harsh tone about walking across the street. May this involve physical punishment? Could the tone be demeaning or destructive? What could the child do if there is? But whatever the parents actions to protect his child, is there something else here that helps produce compliance?

I think speculatively this may be,.

For various reasons, I studied cult phenomena for many years. There is no doubt that most cults derive their power by allegiance to a powerful leader. This allegiance is hard to break. Yes, you can say some type of hypnosis or mind control is in effect. But why is there that kind of vulnerability- that susceptibility to being controlled?. I again speculate it is an instinctive factor, maybe made to protect us. Perhaps, indeed, Nature endows us with a little instinctive push to survive more happily by giving us a little extra irrational push to bond with those who have the power of authority.

Human society is formed in packs- in a primitive form, somewhat like cavemen. Later we have tribes, towns , cities, countries- all that. Perhaps that bonding to a leader is necessary to fuse people more together- unless the members of those groups have the intelligence, the personal power and the desire to act less than instinctively.

In terms of the creation of the Declaration and the Constitution, it would seem that the Founding Fathers believed what Jefferson eloquently proclaimed in different ways- that a citizen should control his government, not the reverse. And that citizen should be informed and morally responsible. He should be beyond the authority of a dictatorial government.

In the case of the British Empire, it was not possible to shrug off their attempts to control their colony simply by request or proclamation. Rebellion eventually became the watchword of the day. And for that, they gook a grave risk. For a child, rebellion can mean unpleasant consequences for a corporal punishment, being locked up in one’s room, missing dessert. Within a society, the isolation can be more poignant- from a nightmare of social isolation to an impossibility to survive. For rebellion of a colony, it can mean the total destruction of their freedom, death or imprisonment of the rebels and the iron hand of an Imperial Empire to grind away at their potential prosperity and happiness.

Is our adult society in this way, generally like a child, realizing subliminally that harsh punishment and isolation may await one who rebels against company policies, family traditions or state injunctions? Does the willful compliance on the part of so many to the oft-called draconian pandemic measures also suggest a somewhat instinctive activity, providing our adult citizens with an inhibition against rebellion and a reluctance to even question authority.

Because the labeling of an alleged viral infection with potentially lethal consequences as a pandemic is supposed to be based on definitive, scientific, rational reasons. People are asked to radically curtail their ability to move freely, give up or radically downsize their work or businesses and conform to measure that cut them off socially from their neighbors and friends.

My question is not so much to address the lack of resistance as it is expressing wonderment at the refusal to even question authority in the face of continual bombardment with the necessity of facing lockdowns, quarantines, inability to touch or assemble with others, losing work or hard-won businesses and not even making the slightest effort to question the “why?” of the situation.

Has Nature, indeed, been so unkind as to endows men and women with a tendency to believe in those who are given by society, by convention or by a work hierarchy/ Apparently it takes a huge mental and emotional effort to combat those conventions and, for many, it is hardly worth the effort.

You can see the agony of breaking away from authority in the trauma of cult followers attempting to leave their community. Yes, it is so traumatic that PTSD symptoms are often the response and this may continue for years after their physical dislocation from the cult. Blackouts, migraines, hallucinations, inappropriate aggressiveness and extraordinary moments of fear. These are not soldiers coming out of battle. These are men and women coming out of a cult.

Isn’t it worth the effort to question? Is it for that reason, some kind of inner obstacle that shackles them to authority- that millions of workers who stand shortly to lose the benefit of federally-protected paid leave, owing to the spike of the fearful virus threat- have done so little to question that authority? And then there are those small businesses who have been forced to close their hard-won offices, shops, gyms and hair salons to cope with lockdowns and quarantines- on certain “scientific” justifications for halting the world economy. And then again, the millions have lost their jobs and about to lose their unemployment benefits- who are about to suffer extraordinary discomfort and challenges on every level of their existence?

Their faces covered daily, standing at a distance of six feet from their neighbors, living off the dole from the government, mainly because they have to live somehow. Will they begin to question- even now?

There are so many things to consider. So many parts of the pandemic challenged by scientists, doctors, investigative journalists.

Two of them are- do the statistics really bear out in any way- that we have a real pandemic- and does the PCR testing really bring accurate results.

One country’s high court doesn’t care too much for the PCR test, so much so that they have enjoined their country to abandon the quarantine. One article that documents this GreatGameIndia – Journal on GeoPolitics and International Relations

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests
As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People

The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that

“if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”

The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is unknown.

Click here to read the whole article.

Covid-19 PCR Tests Ruled Unreliable By Portuguese Court. Quarantine Lifted.

Take a look at this document, presented in a Tweet from Spiro Skourkas, one of the more coherent and powerful voices of the Resistance.

Reiner Fullmich is an amazing attorney, practicing for many years in the United States and Germany. He and the German Committee he is with have found many deep and treacherous falsehoods that have allowed the authors of the Pandemic to fleece the world community. Among their greatest weapons, spawning most of the claims they have about the Pandemic is the PCR test.

Del BigTree is the producer of the VAXXED Documentaries. He was so straightforward and effective in his condemnation of the Pandemic that his channel was completely removed from Twitter. Yes, the screen may be darkened below, but just click on it to watch the video.

Covid Testing Fraud Uncovered

On November 25, 2020, Jon Rappoport wrote an Open Letter to Patriots Everywhere. It begins like this…

Jon Rappoport’s Blog
Open Letter to Patriot’s Everywhere

In the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger is wrong, outrage is wrong, acceptance in hypnotic sleep is what we must aim for.

Always bow to “smooth transitions.” When there is disagreement, swallow your bile, give in, make peace with tyranny. The pain will only last for a little while. Then you will reach a higher understanding.

The authorities and their minions of the press have the final word. Our job is to fit ourselves into their scheme of things.

WE must be flexible. THEY can be inflexible.

If these rules seem backwards and upside down, that is OUR problem, not THEIRS.

This is the position of our would-be masters.

To read more of Jon’s blog, click here…



We Beg to Differ, a blog presenting alternative media’s view of Mainstream Narratives, basically presents links, most often to whole videos and articles, from Mainstream Media and Alternative Media to contrast their views. If one wonders what alternative media means, it is media developed privately by independent producers, not owned or directed by the handful of media companies that control a vast amount of media output in the world.

We share various types of videos for you to scrutinize. Unless we specifically say so, we do not necessarily agree with their content, in whole or in part. Sometimes, we will present written or audio/video material concerned with health issues. We always recommend that before you try anything, you check with your medical or certified health professional.


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