A Global Planetary Forum and Empowerment Network

Global Dialogue on Human and Citizen Rights
Creating Government Initiatives and Electoral Campaigns
Corporate and Media Communications and Lobbying for Citizens & Shareholders

My name is Johnny Blue Star. I am the host of Inalienable and Free: Voice of the Coalition, a program devoted to the development of the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment, an organization founded to address human and citizen rights in the United States and around the world.

Faced with the prospect of endless wars, violent episodes of devastating hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, massive poverty, disease and starvation throughout the world, the relentless intrusion of major corporations against the environment and consumer safety, the degradation of citizen and human rights andthe distortions of news by media and government, it is easy for citizens of the United States and the rest of the world to feel powerless in the wake of such overwhelming obstacles. Yet, the United States. Constitution, the foundation and inspiration for so many governments around the world, was created by its Founding Fathers to assure that government was the servant of the people and to protect its citizens from the tyranny of runaway government.

In our view, the problem in the United States and elsewhere is not only a political and economic problem, but it is also a spiritual one. I believe that human conscience, that is, our understanding of good and evil, is a mirror of a higher consciousness, a state of awareness that all of are entitled to share. This spiritual awareness involves a conscious connection to this source- and it is this connection which truly launches positive manifestation. Results regarding manifestation are unpredictable and depend on the individual’s mindset, desires, ability to make that connection and many other factors. Although there is guidance, to some extent, through experienced and knowledgeable people, books, videos and, perhaps an organization like the Coalition, success in creating that connection comes from a level higher than any of these factors and is not always easy. Still, from my standpoint, it is worth the effort and the rewards of being connected cannot be overstated.

The Coalition intends to provide support for its members for both personal and collective manifestation. Its credo is the following immortal phrase from the Declaration: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, that among those are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, these rights refer to those granted by government, but they are also granted by the Creator, whose assistance sometimes transcends obstacles provided by the economy, political bureaucracy, prevailing cultural norms, lack of formal education, etc. And we believe the power of this connection is great enough to permit its members to take full advantage of their rights and liberties, including the right to petition government to reflect their desires in legislation, enforcement and judicial righteousness.

In order to meet the challenges we face in citizen and human rights, we are forming an organization to allow citizens to interact with each other effectively to create new and positive initiatives for changes in government policy, to find and support candidates that believe in responsiveness to voters and to communicate collectively with elected officials and government agencies in sufficient numbers to gain their attention if they wish to retain the support of the electorate in primary and general elections. Further, this organization will also permit citizens to communicate en masse with corporations and media on issues of prime importance to their safety, well-being and the quality and reality of information affecting their lives.


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