June 15th, 2020 I think, among all those things we need to look at, are matters related to the opening of our economy. Much of the quarantine and its various restrictions are based on certain alleged scientific understandings of its effect and we should measure the dangers of keeping the economy closed versus the alleged dangers of the virus spiking and endangering the world population. There is a lot of fire and fury in these discussions about the pandemic. It is always helpful to remember the calming voice inside us.

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Regardless of the controversy and sometimes disturbing, passionately-felt responses to the Covid-19 issue, we will now present various videos with different views about the reality of our current situation.. Subjects like this include the origin of the virus, its effect of the virus on its victims, timetable for stages of the infection and the nature of its symptoms, the correctness of its outreach statistically on various populations (including the United States and the world), the testing methods used, tracking scenarios, and, overall, the value of the quarantine and restrictions for protecting us from its wider spread and deadly potential of the virus, the value of a vaccination protocol and various views of the mandatory protocol. But to prepare ourselves for all this confusion, we will first present the views of the Dali Lama, a man whose life and commitment to spirituality has not been touched by the Covid-19 virus.

Dalai Lama speaks out on COVID-19

There are various theories about President Trump’s relationship to those he has placed in a leading position as formal or informal advisors. Two of the most powerful appear to be Doctor Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. Trump has sometimes appears to have taken different positions than they have but he is responsible for the extent of their influence. Much of this centers on the importance of a vaccination to halt the progress of Covid-10. Here is Trump announcing the progress on the development of the vaccine.

OVID-19: Trump says ‘very big progress’ made on developing vaccine

In all of this that we bring to you today- as always, we want to emphasize that the fact we present you with alternative news (and some mainstream news) does not mean we agree in whole or in part with the points of views expressed by these videos unless we expressly say so and exactly how. Also, just because views are alternative doesn’t mean there is necessarily any agreement between each other or a wholesale denial of everything presented by mainstream news. The ultimate arbiter of truth is YOU- always!

Dark Journalist aka Daniel Liszt is one of the most lucid and exciting investigators of the deeper puzzles and problems facing the world. Part of his value is his insistence on not forgetting the past and trying to uncover links to the perplexing reality of the real world agendas that are trying to control our democratic Republic by undermining the Constitution and the rule of law. He has not at all been silent about the need for opening the economy and was one reason why several months ago, I attempted to look at what was going on with more seriousness.

The following is one of the more important interviews I have encountered recently in dealing with the Covid-19 vaccination scenario and its various implications. The interview is with Robert Kennedy, Jr., who has fought valiantly against the danger of vaccinations developed under current guidelines, technologies and agendas. In this interview, he discusses the Moderna vaccine press release as well as the far-ranging and dangerous implications of the new tracking activities and further dangerous proposals to put us under a level of surveillance not even dreamed of by Orwell.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Medical Tyranny Big Pharma
Bill Gates AI Immunity Passport Surveillance State!

It is interesting to see how Kennedy discusses the reality of Covid-19. In our coverage of the virus, we have seen many differences between those who look at its origin and reality. Some doubt its reality altogether because of skepticism of the testing, others will point to the limited reality of the statistics due to various ideas of flaws of the testing, but also because of the deliberate and sometimes out-in-the opening fraud in governing statements of death certificates, others have suggested that fatalities have occurred because of the misuse of the respirators and the list goes on.

The question that Ron Paul raises in this next video- is one that is occurring to many people… Was this whole lockdown/social distancing affair- part of a complex agenda to accomplish a further Level of control over the world’s populations?

Shutdown Hoax? W.H.O.
Now Says No Threat From Asymptomatic Carriers!

To be frank to you about my position at this present moment: I do not think that this lockdown and its restrictions was genuinely for protection against this virus. The virus was just an excuse for another agenda and, for this reason, was promoted as a gigantic threat to humanity. Yes, at this point, I happen to believe it was weaponized and is real but, as some have said, contagious but with its pathogenic vitality quickly fading out when entering the human body, thereby infecting only the most vulnerable.

In my opinion, logic should have been treated the virus as most pandemics are treated- by letting people catch it- because most will be asymptomatic or have relatively mild and short-lived flu-type systems. And those affected in this manner will be develop immunity. That is called herd immunity and, if achieved, greatly reduces the risk of further infections. Those who are seriously affected should be helped immediately- but in the right way.

Perhaps the biggest problem I have is with the testing. I do not believe the testing is really accurate or up to the standards of efficiency demanded of its role in determining the nature of the outbreak. If the testing is wrong- and produces false positives or negatives- or is actually measuring something other than the virus (as has been suggested by Dr. Andrew Kauffman), what reality can we really expect- from any of this. Here is a excerpt from a longer video with Spiro Skouras and Dr. Kaufman:

Clip – Crisis of Manipulation with Dr Andrew Kaufman & Spiro Skouras

Recently, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell presented his questions about the treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which has been calling for the use of respirators in Covid-19 patients. His concerns led to a lot of questions about the use of respirators in the instance of a great number of patients who had respiration difficulties.


I am now going to present a very disturbing video, produced by Journeyman Pictures. It is based on video and sound recording made by a nurse going undercover in New York and relates some of the very strange way statistics are manufactured in a hospital- also, how the respirators have been misused, endangering the lives of so many patients- as we began to explore in the last video. Much of this bears on the way infections and fatalities may being measured. ..

Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine

But now, as I said, I believe there is a reason the lockdown has been put upon us. To be honest, in my view, there is a complex agenda- because there is a powerful move to take power away from the people in the United States and in other countries around the world. The Covid-19 agenda served to lockdown people in their homes and cripple many aspects of the economy and psychologically deprive citizens of normal social relations. But it also helped to justify an obsession with tracking people, part of the efforts to create a total surveillance state. So one of the purpose is to create a way to totally control populations. But even worse- and perhaps a much more sinister objective- that has been speculated about- but not without some evidence- is a radical de-populations agenda. And one of the tools that perhaps are at the core of this effort at present are mandatory vaccinations. Doctor Buttar has a warning in this next video. Like myself- as developed in former blogs- he believes that the military and the police- as well others who have taken the oath- have an obligation to protect citizens and not to accept orders which go against the Constitution.

IMPORTANT Everybody Is In The SAME Boat Right NOW!
Dr Rashid Buttar

Despite my point of view, I keep an open mind. I think that many of these experts who share a skepticism of different facets of the Covid-19 situation should get together- not just to promote their collective points of view, but to dive deeply into the science behind what they believe.



DISCLAIMER: We share various types of videos for you to scrutinize. Unless we specifically say so, we do not necessarily agree with their content, in whole or in part. Sometimes, we will present written or audio/video material concerned with health issues. We always recommend that before you try anything, you check with your medical or certified health professional.


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