June 3rd, 2020 Today, we shall look at some alternative voices regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. As far as I am concerned, no voice, mainstream or alternative is sacred- and some important things are said, from time to time, in both venues. But the reality is that a great majority of people are taking their news from mainstream and alternative news is battling against frequent suppression and censorship. Yet with all the mainstream voices which want to protect the lockdown, the economy is beginning to open and maybe, just maybe, many people will be able to regain their jobs and open back their businesses. But, even if this happens vigorously, a great deal of damage has been done. All of us, looking at what has happened to ourselves and people all over the world, need to review these restrictions and ask- why? “Why?” isn’t a dirty word even though I have just put it in quotations with a question mark for emphasis. If we want to have a stable, robust and powerful, but righteous, economic and political system, WE THE PEOPLE must ask WHY?

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Are the protests over? Is everything going to be OK? In reviewing this last week or so, we see that curfews were added to the quarantine and there were police and National Guard on the street and the military called out from the White House. Speaking of the military, Trump also decided to call them out to assist with the vaccine which he hoped to have developed by January. There is much talk of contact tracing in many different ways- including hiring thousands of people to check out any infections going to homes and removing the appropriately infected family members to quarantine. All of this activity could be moderated or eliminated just for the sake of the economy, but more so because of the limiting of the time to develop herd immunity- like has been done with most pandemics. That is, let the majority of people go through some mild flu symptoms or be asymptomatic and vigilantly be alert for those who are not well. Looking at the current statistics- do I dare say it, did we really ever need this lockdown?

Here, Carl Vernon, describes the “New Normal.” There is no reason why we shouldn’t join him in examining all the new apparatus and social distancing we are experiencing every day.

The “New Normal” You Are Meant to Accept Based
on Neil Ferguson’s Projections | Carl Vernon

One of the loudest voices we hear from the Covid-19 White House podium is Dr. Fauci. He has been the great new leader of the lockdown and the need for a vaccine. Yet not everyone is enamored in his consistency and correctness.

Fauci and the Mess He’s Made

If Fauci is the public voice of the Lockdown Revolution, Bill Gates is probably one of the top generals continually calling for universal vaccination to stop this terrible virus from destroying the world. Isn’t he the wonderful, self-sacrificing philanthropist who has given his heart, soul and fortune to protection of everybody’s health. There are, however, some who beg to differ. Here is the Corbett Report, which attempts to present a more complete picture of Bill Gates, according to his research and interpretation of Bill’s history.

Meet Bill Gates – A Corbett Report – Full 4 Parts

The Last American Vagabond now discusses Gates’ financial activities with Derrick Broze.

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence with Derrick Broze

Robert Kennedy, Jr., a committed environmentalist who is also one of the key fighters against dangerous vaccinations, gives us this warning:

URGENT!] They Don’t Want This Information Out! –
Robert Kennedy Jr.

Here is some very interesting information about immunity and, in the mind of the commentator, how the importance of T-Cells in the fight against disease and how the role of T-Cells has been downsized by the emphasis of on Antibodies.

Immunity to Covid Doesn’t Come from Antibodies

Here is what Wim Hof has to say about the CoronaVirus. I am constantly working with his system and I do personally believe he has a certain amount of scientific evidence to show its power with the immune system. I suggest you investigate it.

Wim Hof’s take on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Here is an interesting question regarding the recent Moderna company release regarding their new trial, announced with a press release.

Why Are Moderna’s To Execs Cashing Out?

At last some songs from Stephanie Slevin, an incredible songwriter, who has collaborated with me on various songs. But here is an interview about her work and her own songs. She has quite an amazing story.

“I Talk With Angels”-Johnny Blue Star Interviews Singer/Songwriter Stephanie Slevin

To see other interviews, please visit www.newgalaxybroadcasting. com

New Galaxy Enterprises has several divisions. One is for content development. And one of the things I like most is creating new screenplays from scratch, further developing them or adapting them from books.

This is a Will Grant video- one of my favorites. Why? Because I used to be very confused about my morning routine. And this helped me clarify a lot of it immediately. Will Grant is also a Wim Hof practitioner and he initially helped a lot initially. His videos can help you improve your life and health in a variety of ways.

The Successful Morning Routine for Mental Clarity and Effectiveness

I know, considering the depth of the problems this world is submerged in, it could seem impossible to change the course of events. So should we give up? I say-



DISCLAIMER: We share various types of videos for you to scrutinize. Unless we specifically say so, we do not necessarily agree with their content, in whole or in part. Sometimes, we will present written or audio/video material concerned with health issues. We always recommend that before you try anything, you check with your medical or certified health professional.


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