May 17, 2020 The greatest danger we now face is avoid studying and analyzing events, professional commentary, articles and claims regarding the lockdown. It is very clear that our economy is very challenged by loss of jobs, decline of manufacturing, retail sales, etc.- but it is also clear that the stock market, backed by the Federal Reserve and the Administration, continues to move upward. This is all backed by the creation of trillions of dollars. The creation of those dollars further compounds the risk to the survival of individual wage earners and business owners by potentially jeopardizing the value of the dollar. What does all this mean- fiscally, physically and spiritually?

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Have we been abandoned by a Higher Power to be left the cruel choice of leaving our jobs and businesses to stay at home? Or have we lacked some due diligence in understanding that the Creator who gave us the Constitution and our rights- may not have really given us this dilemma- for our part is to be diligent and keep informed- and not believe blindly in government or business leaders. The Founding Fathers created a Constitution that put the government in the hands of the people- because they were fed up with dictatorial government. A great government is of the people, by the people and for the people. It is up to us to make our own decisions and act accordingly.

This is part of the message of an amazing policeman- who has carefully thought out his responsibilities in an era where government at times is breaching the Constitutional mandate sworn to by each of its members.
Another Hero We Need During Lockdown

The reality is that we are now in an era where alternative media is presenting scientific and medical responses to the establishment lockdown position. One of the most famous demands of various state and local governments- and the national government- is the famous demand to wear masks. Are masks really effective? Is social distancing really accomplishing what it claims? Is quarantine- which often stands against the value of herd immunity- something we ever really needed, given what many people think is a grossly inadequate method of testing and the false numbers we are given as the ratio between numbers of infections and fatalities?

Should you really wear a mask?

I am not always in agreement with Tucker- but I think his positions on stopping the endless wars and re-opening the economy are stellar and he is to be congratulated for his efforts in these directions. Well worth listening to.

Tucker: America is splitting into two before our eyes

Like most of our videos, the following is a full, very long video. I put it here, along with others, so you can look at whatever you have time for now- but can also use our blogs as for further research in the future. Some of these videos provide a very telling, in-depth picture as does this one by the Last American Vagabond, which shows the extraordinary conflicts of interest underline the Establishment’s take on the pandemic.

Trump Appoints Gates-Tied Pharma Exec
As Vaccine Czar & Florida’s Mandatory COVID Vaccination Order

Ron Paul has never liked the Federal Reserve, our useless wars developing self-serving financial ends rather than the humanitarian efforts they purport to represent- nor the continuous, destructive economic lockdown. Ron never pulls his punches- and by now, at least to certain parts of his well-framed messages, many more are listening

Did Lying About Coronavirus Cover-Up The Fed’s Economic Destruction?

With all this strangeness, confusion and misinformation, should we throw in the towel- and give up having a democracy again? I don’t think that Jefferson, Madison and Washington, would be too happy with that.




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