January 19th, 2019 #13 HAVE WE NO SENSE OF JUSTICE? Are we actually debating whether the upcoming Senate trial should have witnesses and documents that have been withheld intentionally by the White House? Will this world-wide protest against energy fuels and systems that cause the acceleration of climate change continue to grow? Should we feel nervous about our economy? Greg Mannarino continues to give his view of the grave future we may face and the lies that enforce our optimism…. Whatever the issues today, WE BETTER WAKE UP!

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”|
George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790

Let us begin this edition with a CNN video featuring the Senate Majority Leader’s brilliant confession about his role as a juror in the trial in Senate.

McConnell on impeachment trial: I’m not an impartial juror

Was this candor in anticipation of the oath that McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, knew he would have to take.

Chief Justice John Roberts Swears In Senators
For Trump Impeachment Trial | MSNBC

But recently, information has been appearing that might challenge even staunch Republicans from refusing to act as impartial jurors.

Lev Parnas Implicates Donald Trump, Mike Pence,
William Barr, Rick Perry | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The hope that there could be a fair impeachment trial in the Senate appears to depend on some of the newer evidence based on the personal revelations of Lev Parnas and his documents. This means that the Democrats are hoping that some of these revelations are so dramatic that it may shame Mitch McConnell to opt for witnesses and documents that were withheld by the White House. So now a fair trial- that is with actual evidence and witnesses- needs a strong PR position to create some kind of resonance with the elementary principles of justice that lead to a fair trial. This is the pitiful state of a democracy splintered in various contorted concepts of American justice and veering horribly towards dictatorship.

As I have stated before, you cannot find the doctrine of the equality of all men and women and their entitlement of inalienable rights to all in the actual behavior of the Founding Fathers- although years of progressive legislation and enforcement in the United States has pushed us closer and closer to this ideal- although, of course, never exactly reached fully in practice. The problem with interpreting what American ideals can and should be is that you can not find them in human behavior, the history of legislation or the original intention of anyone. True American values can only be found either directly through an unbiased relationship with Spirit or through human conscience, which is a mirroring of Spiritual Awareness which fully resonates with righteousness and goodness of the Creator.

So, of course, there are many interpretations of American ideals- but some of those, as witnessed in the general Republican approach to the impeachment inquiries- is very clearly against the spirit and the letter of the Constitution. The White House cannot legally withhold witnesses and documents  subpoenaed by the House- and certainly under the doctrine of fairness Senators have sworn to, they cannot withhold these elements from the trial.

I would call a “Real American” as one who interprets the meaning of fairness and justice through his conscience or directly through Spirit, the same way he has divined an understanding American principles and ideals. The desire for an American Empire that serves wealthy individuals and business at the expense of our citizens in this country and of other sovereign nations and their citizens does not really cut it.


Well I wouldn’t exactly know- because it is very clear that the Founding Fathers set up a democratic government with all kinds of checks and balances, including the right for militias to exist that could challenge a corrupt government, precisely because they distrusted government, which could come into existence because of the weakness of human nature.

Human nature, if not energized at least by conscience and caution
could easily be seduced by the myths and traditions that enforce the righteousness of authoritarian government. Before we created a democratic government on a grand scale, thousands of years had seen rulership by authoritarians whose rule was sanctioned by “divine right,” often by blood. Sometimes, however, rulership came into existence because of the naked power of the ruler and his military backup- or even by some unexplainable charisma and self-confidence that simply provokes emotional submission to his leadership.

And then, again, often a following his cultivated by these type of leaders using FEAR SUPPORTED BY OUTRAGEOUS LIES to generate compliance with those necessary rules or ordinations that will suppress or destroy our liberty. Here is an interesting discussion ON THE REAL NEWS. Strong words, but history- and publicly stated contentions do contribute to the record- that we are asked to judge when making our own political choices.

The Liars Led to War

One of the reasons I decided to create this newsletter was for the sake of people- so many millions of people, in fact- that simply had never gotten out of the comfort zone provided to us with our current leaders. And many have been in the comfort zone for decades, never wondering about the value of their political and media alliances until relatively recently. Well, maybe its time to think things out again…

“America Exists Today to Make War”:
Lawrence Wilkerson on Endless War

The framework of reality is tottering for those who keep their eyes focused on the establishment Democrats and Republicans. If we want to be informed, it doesn’t take long to find informed people with their memories intact to CHECK OUT EVERYTHING. Right or wrong, we shouldn’t really take anything for granted.

1:22 / 44:21

Ex-UN weapons inspector: Biden’s Iraq
war vote excuse a ‘bald-faced lie’


Climate change has become a huge global issue. Here Fareed Zacharia interviews one of the most well-known leaders in this movement.

Teen activist on climate change: I
f we don’t do anything right now, we’re screwed

In fact, it was Greta Thunberg who inspired Jane Fonda to once more step up to the plate. .. Here is a report on the origin of Fire Drill Friday.

“Stop the Money Pipeline”:
150 Arrested at Protests Exposing Wall

This is how “The Robin Hood of Wall Street,” Gregory Mannarino, looks at the market following the Three Day Weekend.

The Debt Market HYPER-BUBBLE W
ill Cause DE@TH On A Biblical Scale..


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