December 24th, 2019 #11 Will there be an Evangelical pushback against Trump?


Mark Galli, Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today, a leading mainstream Evangelical magazine, recently wrote and article called, “Trump Should be Removed from Office.” Since a great part of Trump’s supporters are currently Evangelicals, a rebellion against Trump could have significant impact. In the article, Galli explains aspects of the allegiance:

“Trump’s evangelical supporters have pointed to his Supreme Court nominees, his defense of religious liberty, and his stewardship of the economy, among other things, as achievements that justify their support of the president. We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.”

No doubt, this is an important article and it immediately gained traction by the mainstream media, like this CNN video:

Top Christian magazine: Remove Trump

Before we go on, let me give you access to the complete article, well worth reading;


Here’s How Trump Responded as Reported by Fox News

Trump fires back at Christian magazine calling for his removal

But when you realize that prior to this article- and possibly still- 80% of Evangelicals supported Trump, it should not be extraordinary how many, unashamed, would jump to his defense-

Evangelical leaders rally around Trump after Christianity Today op-ed

Many non-Evangelicals have wondered about the relentless allegiance Evangelicals have shown to Donald Trump. There are so many frightening deviations from the Gospel that Evangelicals are supposed to believe in. After all, Christ sat with tax collectors and prostitutes but he didn’t help them collect taxes nor financed their brothel. Here’s an excerpt from an article by Howard Snyder:

Jesus made the preaching of the gospel to the poor a validation of his own ministry. He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18). And he cited Isaiah 61 to show by what marks his gospel could be known. He plainly said that it was his practice and conscious intent to preach his gospel especially to the poor.,,,”

It would seem that Trump, despite his charitable front at time, seems to like the poor in only one way: he wants as many of them as possible. In fact, it looks like he is ultimately attempting to convert as many of them as possible from the Middle Class. He just forgot to tell them. He will remove them from food stamp programs, enthusiastically deport them if they are eking out a living here, challenge their health care benefits, move the homeless away from safe areas and feed their potential safety net benefits to his military budget and other enrichement entitlements for mega-corporations and the very rich.

Here is a link to Howard Snyder’s article in Seedbed:

Tulsi points out in this Christmas tweet, the war budget which, as she points out affects all those things which you would Evangelicals would be concerned about- in regards to their own country and their own citizens.

Here is what one of Trump’s top allies is doing on Christmas.

Israel AGAIN Attacks Syria Over Christmas,

Sadly, today on Christmas, we must think of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning today. Why would anyone of faith who believes in the Constitution and the Gospels as written want to put up with these violations of American law and human conscience: punishing publishers for exercising freedom of the press, the right of those charged with a crime to prepare a real defense, freedom from ‘enhanced interrogation” or torture, failure to effectively deal righteously who has serious medical problems and so many other violations of real American values?

Here is what Mrs. Christian Assange has written to her supporters...


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