October 3rd, 2019 #1

Today’s report and its topics can be discussed in our LinkedIn Discussion Group:- Vote Back Our Country! Save Our Home World! If you are a member of LinkedIn, you can join immediately. If you are interested and not a  member, you can always join LinkedIn for free.


As we anticipate many of our viewers to putting this on their daily agenda, we begin every time we post with personal information to help one develop in terms of health, prosperity, personal happiness and inner peace. New Galaxy Enterprises is dedicated to both your individual growth and your growth in understanding as a citizen of a sovereign nation as well as a citizen of our Home World, Planet Earth.



There are many valuable alternative kinds of health promoted on the Internet. One of the most valuable for me has been the Wim Hoff Method. For those who know nothing about Wim Hof or, like me, are simply fascinated by his amazing contribution to humanity, here is an introduction.


One of the exciting contributors to health and I guess you might call “the balanced life” is Will Grant. I call him my Good Morning Guru, as he has helped me organize my day.

The Successful Morning Routine for Mental Clarity and Effectiveness


Trump goes on profanity-laced tirade amid impeachment push

Trump officials plead ignorance to cover for Trump


Impeachment by the President has been long demanded by certain members of the Democratic Party. Yet, with the progression of months, Nancy Pelosi has resisted the first step in this direction, an impeachment inquiry. Yet, with a whistleblower complaint, suggesting that President Trump used his office to bargain with the President of Ukraine for negative information about one of his key political opponents, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi decided to open an inquiry. Whereas Trump recently soft-pedaled his interaction and released transcripts of his phone conversation and ultimately the whistleblower complaint that had originally been withheld from Congressional scrutiny, many who have seen it- in mainstream and alternative media have found it not as innocent as presented by the President. Some, even on the Democratic side, like Tulsi Gabbard, do not feel that the issue rises to the level of impeachment.

House Speaker Announces Formal Trump Impeachment Inquiry 9/25/19

Blackstone Intelligence, led by Jake Morphonious, put together this collage of various media excerpts about the Trump impeachment. In this video, Judge Napolitano, who despite his conservative viewpoint, is regarded generally as very fair when it comes to his interpretation of the law by both sides of the political spectrum, doesn’t pull his punches about the illegality of Trump’s actions.

US House Begins Impeachment of Trump for High Crimes 9/24/19

TRANSCRIPT: Trump Phone Call with Ukraine President about Joe Biden 9/25/19

Trump goes on profanity-laced tirade amid impeachment pus


Unlike many other analysts on the Internet, Greg Mannarino offers certain critical services for free to take advantage of the stock market- up or down- in these strange times.  A few other points- despite his quick humor and powerful grasp of the markets, he can be very sarcastic and somewhat attack-oriented in his criticisms of the mainstream narrative. Still, despite his tone, which I sometimes disagree with, his predictions about the stock market seem uncanny.

Today’s early posting might make you take a few extra breaths and a much longer cold shower if you follow the Wim Hof Method (described above). The only thing that actually keeps me riveted to his vlog is his obvious commitment to his fierce role as a truthful commentator, his capacity to peer underneath the sad delusional veneer of our economy and, again, his sense of humor which probably allows him to bear his daily forage in the waste bin of economic distortion he unravels every day.

Last night’s briefing was not exactly fun for the economy= but a bit more promising for precious metals and cryptocurrency.

Critical Updates: YOU ARE BEING ELIMINATED.. By Gregory Mannarino

TAKE ACTION NOW@ Market Multiplies
By Gregory Mannarino 10/1/19

Gregory Mannarino predicts False Flag to raise the price of Crude Oil and other elements made to drive the Stock Market higher. He also alerts listeners to his new free trading system: Quick Boom?

CRITICAL UPDATES: Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Crypto, Crude.
By Gregory Mannarino 9/30/19

The Money GPS is a remarkable phenomenon hosed by David Quintiera, who describes his work as “the most active, most informative channel in the financial world. Day after day, breaking down the data and making it easy to understand.” For me, as a newcomer to this world, there is much that I don’t always understand- but David always wishes to give his viewers the option to find out more, to contact his sources directly (and they are generally not 3rd parties and to learn themselves how all this works through his books and his videos. But, in a sense, even though there

Although there is much that is opaque to me in terms of details, he does make the whole of his point of view understandable and takes care to point out the direction to accelerate the viewer’s learning.

Stock Market DROPS 500 Points! Economy Worst Since Financial Crisis! 10/3/19

Store Closures Approach 9000 for 2019!
Massive Retailers Going BUST as Economy Falls!

I hate to see our titanic economy steaming towards a really cold bath- but hopefully at least a few will take some life-jackets tucked away at the bottom of their luggage.

Entire Global Economy Headed Towards the Iceberg!
Fed Warns of Dangers
of Corporate Debt


“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Trump explodes at Reuters reporter asking about Ukraine

Assange’s father & Die Linke deputy leader hold joint press conference

Although this report is being developed by New Galaxy Enterprises, which hosts Its own alternative media, the selected items (except for our programs) do not necessarily reflect our point of view nor is alternative media monolithic in its point of view. We are offering diverse points of view which we think you should consider increasing your understanding of events and ideas, whether you or we agree or not. Still, we do have a point of view that is developed in our commentary here and in our podcasts posted here and available in New Galaxy Broadcasting.


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