October 25th, 2020

Massive changes are about to take place in the structure of our economy. Signs of dramatic changes are already being tried out by private and public businesses, possibly in preparation for this change. As ;you can see if you have been following my blog, many of these changes are not necessarily beneficial in any way for the majority of American citizens- or for those citizens in counrtries throughout the world who are directly dependent on our system or replicating it for their own purposes. We have seen many alternative media commentators, their guests and inthey articles and video clips they provide to their audience, maintain that these policies are practiced to effect the biggest transfer of wealth to the elite corporations from individuals in the middle class that has ever happened in history.

A smaller number of these commentators insist that although this wealth transfer is absolutely the case, the transfer that is about to happen is motivated by a much darker motivation- an agenda that involves decreasing the world population, using technology and mind control to create the lower portion of a two-tier society which it surveils and manages partially through the control of payment and revenues and partially by A1 and human oversight of members’ locations and behavior. These commentators point to eugenics and transhuman agendas as motivations for these “improvements.”

Another element of this change in our economy has been fostered by Central Banks, often fueled by the Fed, creating trillions out of thin air which may in the near future turn accelerating inflation into the kind of hyperinflation which will force the radical devaluation of our currency. As you will see in this blog, there is a possibility that a fiat digital currency created by government will fill this void.

According to these speculations, the economies of the world have been targeted partially by the flagrant greed of corporations and partially through the coming digitalization of the dollar including a prohibition against the use of cash. This type of cashless economy represents another level of control previously mentioned , but will be enhanced by government supplying many citizens directly through depositing essential funds in their accounts which will be exclusively devoted to digital currency and its tracking. Rewards and penalties will then be disbursed accordingly.


In this video, Dunagun Kaiser, founder of the Reluctant Preppers and Liberty and Finance, inteviews investor and educator, David Morgan, founder of the Morgan Report. David Morgan is an outspoken critic of the current monetary system and the planned collapse of the American economy. In his video, he attempts to analyze the confluence between the pandemic and our economic malaise, professing the love we share for the principles which were enunciated in the beginning of this country, although the actual practice of these principles, based on the equality of men and their alienable rights came more progressively into reality.

DIVIDE & CONQUER …Don’t Fall for It | David Morgan

I think one could truly say, along with David and Dunagun, that this progress and the allegiance to the documents that support it have fallen roughly to the wayside. Given the tremendous impact since the Fed was born and the momentous manipulations of the financial system by our government- now clearly resulting in the demise of the middle class- one wonders how things would be different if the American people had awakened and realized that, by the Founding Fathers efforts, they were and. if the Constitution counted, always would be the power behind the democratic throne. That is, if they did not sleep too much.

Sleep too much, given the circumstances, is a ridiculously small understatement.

Although the following video took place on a Friday, October 16- and warns of the possibility of a massive response to the huge bank reset that occurred during the weekend- that could have happened on the very nextMonday- it thankfully did not happen. Still, I believe that Lynette Zang’s presentation is a good indication of the precarious world we live in and what might happen.. Lynette is the chief market officer at ITM markets and shows a continual concern for those who do not or cannot hear her strategies regarding the importance of owning precious metals. Unfortunately, Lynette is a more than shrewd observer of what is happening and I think is always worth listening to.

with $80T This Weekend…(VERSION WITH SLIDES)

Spiro Skouras, who I regards as a Prince of alternative media, has been for me one of the great awakeners of my recent life and has impressed me with his unwavering determination to expose what is happening today. As I have mentioned, you cannot separate the events surrounding the Pandemic from the situation of our doomed economic system. (That is, doomed if we don’t quickly get our act together). This to me, given the incredible flaws and lies that allowed the closing of the economy here and the rest of the world, designed by a wealthy elite who believe they are above caring for the vast majority of the world population. For them, the rights to prosperity, liberty, life and happiness are consigned to them and especially their inner circle.

The video above was published at the end of February and as you will see from the next videos, the New Digital Financial System has continued to be in our discussion and, right now, various businesses are refusing to take any cash.

Speaking about the plans for disrupting the cash-based finance system as we know it, a new message by the International Monetary Fund calls for a new Bretton Woods-style conference that may heavily impact on the nature of our monetary system.

Here are two excerpts from the U.S. Department of Statearchives regarding the Bretton Woods conference:

“The Bretton Woods Conference, officially known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, was a gathering of delegates from 44 nations that met from July 1 to 22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to agree upon a series of new rules for the post-WWII international monetary system. The two major accomplishments of the conference were the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)…””

… and, most significantly:

“The IMF was charged with the maintenance of a system of fixed exchange rates centered on the U.S. dollar and gold. A forum for consultation and cooperation, the organization would contribute to orderly international monetary relations and the expansion of world trade by providing short-term financial assistance to countries experiencing temporary deficits in their balance of payments; balance of payments deficits attributable to more long-term structural factors could be addressed through modification of a country’s exchange rate. The IBRD, meanwhile, was responsible for providing financial assistance for the reconstruction of war-ravaged nations and the economic development of less developed countries.”

“In July 1945, Congress passed the Bretton Woods Agreements Act, authorizing U.S. entry into the IMF and IBRD. The two organizations officially came into existence on December 27, 1945. The fixed exchange rate regime established at Bretton Woods endured for the better part of three decades; only after the dollar exchange crises of August 1971 (when President Richard Nixon suspended the dollar’s convertibility into gold) and February/March 1973 did floating exchange rates become the norm for the currencies of the major industrialized nations.”

The lessons taken by U.S. policymakers from the interwar period informed the institutions created at the conference. Officials such as President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull were adherents of the Wilsonian belief that free trade not only promoted international prosperity, but also international peace. The experience of the 1930s certainly suggested as much. The policies adopted by governments to combat the Great Depression – high tariff barriers, competitive currency devaluations, discriminatory trading blocs – had contributed to creating an unstable international environment without improving the economic situation. This experience led international leaders to conclude that economic cooperation was the only way to achieve both peace and prosperity, at home and abroad.”

Here is Simon Dixon’s emergency broadcast of thE potentially life-changing event of a Bretton Woods event.

In the original Bretton Woods’s conference, gold was set out as a measure of the dollar’s value. So back then, for decades, the US dollar was not a fiat dollar. It had backing- that is, until President Nixon in 1971 pulled the rug from under the dollar’s stability and put the fate of the dollar in the hands of a system that has grown into a surrealistic carnival of money printing and market manipulation. Now, for years, the American people have been deprived of making any surplus interest over inflation by putting it into some kind of savings account- at the same time being charged incredibly high interest rates if they themself borraw.

In this next video, hosted again by Dunagun Kaiser of Liberty And Finance, Dunagun interviews Constitutional Lawyer and Author, Wayne Jett. In the interview, Wayne gives his opinion about a finance system like ours based on fiat money- and suggests that, in some way, Russia and China, may be valuable allies in helping us to see the value in reconverting our dollar into an asset back by gold and silver.

The implications of returning to a gold-backed currency have intrigued various nations, but they have also intrigued the creators of crypto currency and some crypto exchanges back their currency with gold. Here is a very thorough discussion of gold-back Crypto by the distinguished YouTube channel, the Coin Bureau




We Beg to Differ, a blog presenting alternative media’s view of Mainstream Narratives, basically presents links, most often to whole videos and articles, from Mainstream Media and Alternative Media to contrast their views. If one wonders what alternative media means, it is media developed privately by independent producers, not owned or directed by the handful of media companies that control a vast amount of media output in the world.

We share various types of videos for you to scrutinize. Unless we specifically say so, we do not necessarily agree with their content, in whole or in part. Sometimes, we will present written or audio/video material concerned with health issues. We always recommend that before you try anything, you check with your medical or certified health professional.


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