May 28, 2020 I think the most important thing intelligent business people can do is really scrutinize what is happening with the pandemic and the Central Banks- because, although mainstream media is somewhat critical at times, it nowhere approaches some of the findings presented by medical doctors, scientists, financial analysts, serious talk show hosts and commentators in alternative media. There is now a great deal that is no longer available through social media and a great number of people are not generally aware of or looking at alternative platforms anyway. Of course alternative media is far from presenting a consensus anyway- so, today, to be informed almost means to being an investigative reporter and fact checker yourself. Unfortunately, because we are humans and not omnipresent, no one can, with the tools we have, can avoid making decisions based on second and third hand information. But this is what it means to be informed and now it is more than just democracy that has to be protected but also personal and financial survival.

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Throughout this country, people are protesting the quarantine and the loss of being able to open their business. But some people have tried to disobey their orders- and, in this next video, we can see a few people are beginning to know each other.

Texas salon owner jailed for opening business
visits Michigan to support Owosso barber

Perhaps one of the more encouraging sign for those of us who think opening the economy is critical- is the conscientious position of law enforcement officers who believe in the Constitution and the rights suggested in the Declaration.

Sheriffs: We Took An Oath To The Constitution,
Not to Governors & Lockdowns

We now take a close look at what Dr. Eric Berg suggests is the real problem with the virus. And perhaps a much more real look at the alleged dangers of the virus will make one scratch one’s head at the lockdown and all the financial and personal mayhem resulting from government and so-called medical experts who have brought the world economies to a standstill.

Covid-19 The Real Problem

Following through on the astounding statistics Dr. Berg has presented is another powerful question: are the tests really reliable? A lot of our understanding of Covid-19 surrounds the idea of accurate testing.Here is Spiro Skouras in a powerful claim by his guest, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.

Crisis of Manipulation with Dr Andrew Kaufman,
M D and Spiro Skouras

So, now we have spoken about the testing question, here’s what the Last American Vagabond says about his view of the overall Covid-19 numbers…

All The Numbers Are Wrong, Not Just COVID &
They’re Being Used To Justify “Immunity Passports”

So, we have all these numbers, often based on all this testing. So what for? For one thing, the idea we can test a person accurately can lead to another controversial idea. Here’s what Ben Swann has to say about tracking.

Coronavirus Tracking Bracelets Flooding Market,
Ready To Snitch on People Who Don’t Distance

Here Jake Morphonios from Blackstone Intelligence discusses the question- can government enforce vaccination?

Will the Covid19 Vaccine Be Mandatory?

Here’s an interesting discussion about lifting the lockdown.

Lifting the Lockdown with Prof. Dolores Cahill,
Dr. Judy Mikovit & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Here the Last American Vagabond explores the conflict of interest ramifications of the Covid-19 scenario and the proposed vaccine.

Closer Look At The COVID Profit-Motive, Bill Gates’
Flexner Report 2.0 & Congress’ Quiet Israel Push

Here is an example of what an epidemiologist found when he explored the statistics of Covid-19.

Dr. Simon Thornley – ‘An epidemiologist’s take on Covid-19’

As I have mentioned, I have found the Wim Hof Method to have been personally useful- but i believe before embarking on this journey, one should check with one’s medical or certified health professional. But here is what is like to spend time with the Ice Man…

Becoming Superhuman With Ice Man – Wim Hof

If you are inclined to begin a Ketogenic diet (after you, again, have checked with your medical doctor or health profession), Thomas DeLauer, a popular and articulate exponent, gives a nice, complete picture of his view.

How to do a Keto Diet: The Complete Guide

If you need artwork, here is Robert Zailo, who does a large variety of art projects. I have worked with him for many years.

Artist Robert Zailo Is Now On New Galaxy Team

Article writing is one of the backbones of promoting yourself or your business, although articles can be used for many different reasons. I have personally worked for newspapers, magazines, created promotional copy for books, written movie reviews for years for a film festival, and written many hard news and commentary pieces for various venues.

Articles – Promo

I know, considering the depth of the problems this world is submerged in, it could seem impossible to change the course of events. So should we give up? I say-




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