January 7th, 2019 #12 ARE WE AT WAR? Iran has just attacked multiple U. S. missile bases in Iraq, Is it now too late too stop the multiple consequences of this ill-conceived assassination Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the Quds Force and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandi, deputy commander of the Iraqi PMF? Probably- because if ever a war was to have been started,this is it? This issue update presents various views of what just happened and the unfortunate events which led up to it. It is a sad day for the United States and the rest of the world.

Watch Live: Iran strikes Iraqi military bases home to U.S. troops

This is how NBC has presented this attack on U.S. Missile bases. We follow with other presentations.

Special Report: Iran attacks U.S. military base in Iraq

Greg Mannarino presents his view of what happened and what he believes surely must happened. If one follows his blog, he is often correct. People need to wake up to what is happening in our country.


On Friday, January 13th, Donald Trump ordered the assassination of top Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Quds force, a group active in countries friendly to Iran and supporting Iranian proxy fighters. He has been recently labelled in the media as the second most powerful leader in Iran and the gigantic funeral processions in Iran demonstrates the respect and deep remorse over his murder. The mourning was immense- as well as the bitterness.

One of Soleimani’s chief focus was the destruction of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq. The murder was carried out by a drone, whose deadly attack also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF). This is how Trump justified his actions.

President Trump says US took action against Soleimani to stop a war

Trump did this to stop war? He murders the most revered military person in Iran as well as the head of the PMF, an Iraqi militia- with a drone in the Baghdad International Airport, no less. If true, this has got to be one of the biggest, most obvious and predictable miscalculations in history. The events following this assassination were less than surprising.

But why should anyone who is paying attention really believe him about his noble intentions.?Trump has been trying to start a war with Iran since he pulled out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on May 8, 2018 and commenced putting crippling sanctions on the economy of Iran. Eventually various accusations were levied against Iran without much proof, claiming they were aggressions against the United States. It was quite clear during all this time that Trump and his advisors, such as John Bolton, before he left the administration, were trying to push the United States into a war.

One of the reasons that I was dismayed with Tulsi Gabbard’s refusal to vote for impeachment (she voted present) was that I felt there should be every effort to bring Trump to justice for his many misdeeds in office and that the process of removal should happen as soon as possible. One things I was disturbed about was that the Articles of Impeachment covered so little of Donald Trump’s flagrant disrespect for the rule of law and his Constitutional obligations. And one of the grievous problems was that he would start some kind of major military adventure- and maybe even a war.

Now, this latest episode of military intervention and assassination, executed without informing Congress, spawned immediate threats of retaliation from Iran. But Trump, realizing the very predictable threat- but perhaps not its sizable dimension, now had a solution to stop the retaliation.

Iran vows revenge for death of Qassem Soleimani
as Trump says 52 Iranian sites could be targeted

Here was his fascinating tweet: “Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites … some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.” The following Guardian article discusses thoroughly his threat.

Trump’s threat to destroy Iranian heritage
would be a war crime by Sergio Beltrán-García


But the Pentagon affirmed that striking cultural sites would be a war crime in the following NY Times article:

Pentagon Rules Out Striking Iranian Cultural Sites,
Contradicting Trump


When I came across this story in the middle of the night, I felt a chill of horror come over me. I wasn’t alone. David Doel of the Rational National did so, too.

Trump Risks War After Assassinating Top Iranian General

At the very start of this, when very little was known, Cenk Uygar of the Young Turks, had the same type of reaction. You can see it in his face and hear it in his voice.

BREAKING: US Kills Top Iranian General! We Might Be Going To War

Here’s how hosts of TheGrayZone look at the role of both parties in allowing this to happen,

How neoliberal Democrats helped set the stage for Trump’s war on Iran

This is how “The Robin Hood of Wall Street,” Gregory Mannarino, looks at Trump’s action and its effect on Markets.

Trump Threatens To Hit “DOZENS” Of Targets..
Stock Futures Drop.. Mannarino

Was Soleimani on a peace mission when he was assassinated? Here’s what Gordon Dimmack has to say…

CNN once celebrated Soleimani for defeating Isis


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